Suicide Prevention
How does the SEMPI Social Communication Model help in the prevention of suicide in our communities across the world?
The SEMPI Social Communication Model's teach and empower any community member (child or adult) from any social class, how to have a deeper level of conversation, if you ask someone,
The ‘SEMPI Social Communication Model’ (pronounced Sem-pie) has been developed primarily with the purpose of reducing ''the tribal stigma of race, nation, and religion" (Goffman, 1963) within our communities.
The SEMPI SCM teaches THE NEXT STEP to the 'ARE YOU OK?' question, if this question feels too hard to sit with, seems confusing, or just doesn't feel right for the person saying 'NO.'
The SEMPI SCM teaches community members, deeper level empathetic conversation skills, (in under 20 minutes), to instigate when someone is NOT OK and needs to talk straightaway.
The SEMPI SCM is written to teach community empowerment, reduce stigma and loneliness, and to save lives.
This SEMPI SCM has a ‘pay it forward' philosophy, so that it can get out into the community faster.
The SEMPI SCM works by having two people sit together, (a Listener, and a Sharer). The 'Sharer' asks the 'Listener' to run through the SEMPI SCM with them, and together they can speak about exactly what is happening in the 'Sharers' life, for them right now, then they can swap roles, and pay it forward!
The SEMPI SCM teaches 'Social and Emotional Learning' activities (SEL).
The SEMPI SCM promotes a broader 'needs' and personal insight vocabulary.
The SEMPI SCM strengthens the skills of communication, so that all parties feel heard, validated, and understood, while teaching practical listening skills, which are crucial to allowing community members to feel truly heard. Learning these skills may lead to a more equal social class power balance, while CROSSING RACE, CREED, AGE, COLOUR AND RELIGION.
The 'SSCM' gives an immediate snapshot into a persons mental and physical health, right at that moment, so that a concise, and accurate plan can be devised if needed, by the 'Listener' and the 'Sharer', and then shared with a health care professional, when necessary.
The 'SEMPI SCM,' is designed to stop the loneliness, silence, stigma, and isolation, that exists within our communities AND CAN BE USED intergenerationally!
The SEMPI SCM is helping to create a world where people do not simply survive, but engage in a way that works to achieve invigorating internal and interpersonal satisfaction.
The SEMPI SCM is currently being used within community to allow all members, no matter their story, to learn to have an empowered voice, while gaining insight into their own story.
PLEASE NOTE, THE SEMPI SCM IS NOT a counselling model.
The SEMPI SCM community model version is FREE FOR EVERYONE TO PAY FORWARD!
To download your free community and/or children's model, please SIGN UP to our community by selecting the LOG IN button at the top of any page, and a link will be sent to you.
Once you're joined up, you can log in!
Then simply go to 'MY ACCOUNT' and DOWNLOAD the SEMPI MODEL'S of your choice, as well as the printable instructions to learn how to best use SEMPI.
There are also downloadable SEMPI FLYERS to print off and put up in your community, or you can start your own ONLINE group within your COMMUNITY.
With love and gratitude Alyse Price Tobler (MCAP)
Clinical Psychotherapist (MCAP).